Monday, May 16, 2011

Art students league of NY

Hi my friends
Yesterday, Sunday, I was all day in my classes at the art student league of NY  in Manhattan . It was a rainy day . I spent all the day at the studio, painting . I came home tired , I prepared my food , checked my emails read some articles about everything happening in the world of art ,politic. economy . etc... I did not have time to post on my blog .
Today also, I have a lot to do , I just want to say Hi to you , and wish you a good week , hoping to find plenty time to post some pictures and photos of my journey , since I immigrate from my native country to the USA . It is really a rich experience that I want to share with you most of it . The jouney is not easy, but it is rich ...some happy moments and some sad ones......but at the end, both joy and sorrow are the two faces of one same coin.
                                                    Au revoir les amis , a bientot !